Singing Guide: Whistle Down the Wind

Singing Guide: Whistle Down the Wind

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Aretha Franklin is one of the greatest vocalists of all time known for her soulful style, wide range, and unique vocal technique. To learn how to sing like Aretha, we have compiled a list of vocal exercises and Singing Carrots resources that can help you improve your singing skills, expand your range and control your voice like a true diva.

Techniques to learn from Aretha Franklin

1. Belting

Aretha had an impressive belting technique, used in many of her iconic songs such as "Respect" and "Chain of Fools". Belting is a singing technique that is achieved by singing in a high, loud, and powerful voice. It requires proper breath control, good posture, and strong core muscles. Singing Carrots' breath support article is a great resource for developing your breath control and vocal range test can help to determine your vocal range.

2. Vibrato

Another fantastic technique to learn from Aretha is vibrato. Vibrato is an oscillation between two notes that occur rapidly and is one of the essential techniques that can make your singing sound more expressive. Aretha's vibrato is slower than an average vibrato, making it a distinctive hallmark of her vocals. Check out Singing with Vibrato article to improve to improve your vibrato technique.

3. Embellishment

Aretha Franklin is famous for her soulful melismas, runs, and other embellishments influenced by gospel music. To improve your embellishment singing skills, Singing Carrots' Vocal Training gives you the chance to refine your pitch and control. Additionally, Singing Carrots' Song Search with vocal range matching helps you discover and practice new songs to enhance your skills.

Best Aretha Franklin songs to showcase her technique

Here are some of the best songs to showcase Aretha Franklin's unique vocal techniques:

  1. Respect
  2. Chain of Fools
  3. Think
  4. Dr. Feelgood
  5. Natural Woman
  6. A Rose Is Still a Rose

Singing Carrots Resources

Here are some Singing Carrots resources that can help you enhance your singing skills like Aretha Franklin:

By using the above exercises and Singing Carrots' resources, you too can improve your vocal skills and learn to sing like Aretha.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.